Which shipments are eligible for a refund?
The attributes of each shipment, your shipping account and terms of service set related to each carrier are used to qualify the shipments that
The attributes of each shipment, your shipping account and terms of service set related to each carrier are used to qualify the shipments that
Are you having trouble entering valid UPS® credentials in the system? You can change or recover your credentials through the UPS® Billing Center. UPS
The auditing service built into Share a Refund collects historical invoices as far back as the window of time available to file disputes and
Are you having trouble entering valid FedEx® credentials? You can change or verify your credentials through FedEx® Billing Online. FedEx Billing Online is accessed
More frequently shippers are diversifying their carrier portfolio to get the best service. This article will explain how Share a Refund audits shipments for multiple
One customer recently asked, “Is there a way I can tell if we really did get the credits from FedEx® and UPS® that are
Some companies have a general service refund (GSR) waiver in place with their carrier. Share A Refund is still able to audit your shipments
The intent of this article and video is to detail the process and workflow of a good parcel audit. Introduction This video is all
The directions below detail the process for enrolling in the Online Billing Center for your UPS®, FedEx® and DHL® accounts that are currently receiving
integration.sar.run Share A Refund offers customers a few different options for integration. This optionality makes for a streamlined implementation, especially in the case of
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