Lost and Damage Shipments Detail Report

The Lost and Damage Shipments Detail Report can be found within the reporting dashboard. The intent of this article is to explain the function of the report.


The purpose of the LDS Refunded Shipments Details Report is to provide more information on all packages marked as lost or damaged.

How to generate report


  • Log in as target customer.
  • Follow same steps as Customers below.


Refer to guide: How to generate customer reports

This report can be exported by tapping the Export Data icon found within the Reports section on the left sidebar

The following page will appear Export Data icon found within the Reports section on the left sidebar.

Fields included within

  • Ref#1
  • Ref#2
  • Package Ref#1
  • Package Ref#2
  • Account Number
  • Invoice Number
  • Invoice Date
  • Tracking Number
  • Service Type
  • Shipment Cost
  • Currency
  • Claim Type
  • Claim Amount
  • Claim Status
  • Submitted On
  • Claim Number
  • Payout Method
  • Payout Reference
  • Payout Amount

Report usage

The Lost and Damage Shipments Detail Report provides information related to each tracking number that has been filed under the Lost and Damage service. This report differs from the LDS Refunded Shipments Details Report by providing refund information on a more individual basis.

Schedule reports

The Lost and Damage Shipments Detail Report can be scheduled within the Scheduled reports section of the Reporting Dashboard.

Additional resources

All reports and analytics

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