Shippers and receivers can check their claim status using the package tracking number. However, the tracking number will provide only summary status information. Only the shipper can receive claim numbers from FedEx. Using the claim number will allow you to see detailed status information, including payment details.
Share A Refund system shows claim status
If you are allowing Share A Refund to file lost and damaged claims automatically, you will have access to detailed, timestamped activity in the app dashboard. You can see in the screenshot below that every step of the claim process is documented. An audit log of events is stored within the detail view for any given shipment. The user can even access the claim number, the method of payment, and view the hyperlinked invoice. Transparency is a top priority at Share A Refund. That’s why every step of the process is available for you to review.

Next steps
- Discover other services designed to save you the most money on shipping and simplify your supply chain
- Find out how to report a shipment as lost