Shipments Details Billed to Third Party Report

The Shipments Details – Billed to Third Party Report can be found within the Reporting Dashboard. The intent of this article is to explain the function of the report.


The purpose of the Shipments Details – Billed to Third Party Report is to display all shipments billed to third party and the details included.

How to generate report

This report can be exported by tapping the Export Data icon found within the Reports section on the left sidebar

After tapping the Export Data icon, the following page will appear on the screen

Refer to guide: How to generate customer reports

Admins and manager users

All reports across all accounts are merged into a single spreadsheet. Individual accounts can be selected from the dropdown menu.


Spend Analysis Reports are showcased by shipping account for customers.

Fields included within

  • Invoice
  • Invoice Date
  • Invoice Amount
  • Tracking Number
  • Service
  • Bill Option
  • Zone
  • Account
  • Ship Date
  • Delivery Date
  • Delivery Time
  • Commercial/Residential Designation
  • Currency
  • Net Charges
  • # of Packages
  • Multi-Piece/Hundredweight Shipment Identifier
  • PackageDimensions_Length
  • PackageDimensions_Width
  • PackageDimensions_Height
  • Tender Weight
  • Actual Weight Unit of Measure
  • Billed Weight
  • Billed Weight Unit of Measure
  • Ref#1
  • Ref#2
  • Sender Name
  • Sender Company
  • Sender Street
  • Sender City
  • Sender State
  • Sender Zip
  • Sender Country
  • Receiver Name
  • Receiver Company
  • Receiver Street
  • Receiver Street 2
  • Receiver City
  • Receiver State
  • Receiver Zip
  • Receiver Country
  • Charge Description
  • Charge Amount

Schedule reports

The Shipment Details Billed to Third Party Report can be scheduled within the Scheduled reports section of the Reporting Dashboard.

Additional resources

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