Disable or delete user from a customer account

A customer may need help disabling or deleting a user on their account. This article outlines how to easily delete or disable someone’s access within your customer’s account.

Disabled and delete feature defined

Disable feature

The user is still active in the system, but access to data within the customer’s account is prohibited.

Delete feature

The user is listed as Enabled = N and is prohibited from accessing the app with the registered email address.

Directions to disable user

  • Login to your admin account.
  • Go to left sidebar and tap on Users.
  • Search or locate the customer.
  • Tap Login as User button.
  • Once impersonating customer’s account tap on Settings on the left sidebar.
  • Go to the additional users linked to this account card.
  • Tap Disable button.
  • Confirm disabling user within the popup to remove access.

Note: Did you disable a user by error? Once inside your customer’s account, you can re-enable a user by tapping the enable button within the additional users linked to this account card on the settings page.

Directions to delete user

  • Login to your admin account.
  • Go to left sidebar and tap on Users.
  • Search or locate the customer.
  • Tap Login as User button.
  • Once impersonating a customer’s account, tap on Settings located on the left sidebar.
  • Go to the additional users linked to this account card.
  • Tap Delete button.
  • Confirm delete user within the popup to entirely remove access.

Purpose of Disable and Delete User functions?

If an employee leaves the company, this is a time email access needs to be denied by deleting the user. If an employee still needs access to the app, but not the specific account, this is a scenario when the user should be disabled only.


If you receive a notification that informs you there was an error inviting Username, that means Users associated with the specific emails are already registered or invited. In this case, the user was previously deleted from the system. Contact customer service to enable this user again.

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