Active Employees

This article ::

The intent of this article is to detail the management process for active employees.


New Hire form

  1. Access the New Hire form, fill out the form and submit it
  2. Check this box upon form completion

3 Months Probationary Period

This checklist will appear once New Hire form checklist is completed. Every employee will be subject to 3 months of probationary period.

  1. Review past and present assignments. Check Trello cards assigned and verify completion percentage.
  2. Request for feedback from immediate Role Manager and add into the comment.
  3. Schedule a review meeting. See questions to be asked in comment section.
  4. Provide feedback and leave comment on this card.


  1. Pass
  2. Zap: Action z133 (See comment below)
  3. Set expectations on the changes that will take place. (i.e. increase in salary, added responsibilities, etc.)
  4. Check the box to move this card to Active.Done list

Probation period passed.

suggested action: z133 (workflow below)

suggested workflow:

1. copy and paste the text below into card description.
2. replace NULL values.
– global_id already exists in description? (else, look up global_id within @crm)
3. tap zap (card sidebar) to execute action: z133.
4. @mm sends email

%global_id: NULL


  1. Zap: Action z135 (See comment below)
  2. Set an extension review date. Update the due date on this card

Probation period extended.

suggested action: z135 (workflow below)

suggested workflow:

1. copy and paste the text below into card description.
2. replace NULL values.
– global_id already exists in description? (else, look up global_id within @crm)
3. tap zap (card sidebar) to execute action: z135.
4. @mm sends email

%global_id: NULL

Fail (Termination)

  1. Send an invite to discuss about probationary performance.
  2. Hold a meeting to discuss concerns regarding performance. Explain the result to the employee and the reason for that decision.
  3. Zap: Action z134 (See comment below)
  4. Check the box to move this card to Exit.Stage list

Probation period failed.

suggested action: z134 (workflow below)

suggested workflow:

1. copy and paste the text below into card description.
2. replace NULL values.
– global_id already exists in description? (else, look up global_id within @crm)
3. tap zap (card sidebar) to execute action: z134.
4. @mm sends email

%global_id: NULL


This is the list where the active employees card sit in the People Pipeline board.

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