How long do I have to report a lost or damaged shipment with UPS?

While Share A Refund files lost and damaged claims automatically once AutoFile is enabled in a customer’s account, UPS has specific requirements for shipments within the U.S.

What is AutoFile?

This feature files lost and damage claims when a shipment is lost or damaged automatically (most common).

For shipments within the U.S., a shipper using UPS can report a lost or damaged package online up to five months after the date of expected delivery. A shipper has nine months from the date of expected delivery to report a lost or damaged shipment to UPS Customer Service. The shipper is allowed to report an uncollected C.O.D. either online or to UPS Customer Service up to 45 days from the date of expected delivery.

For all other shipments, the UPS policy states a shipper can report a problem up to 60 days from the date of expected delivery.

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