This article ::
The intent of this article is to detail the management process for active employees.
New Hire form
- Access the New Hire form, fill out the form and submit it
- Check this box upon form completion
3 Months Probationary Period
This checklist will appear once New Hire form checklist is completed. Every employee will be subject to 3 months of probationary period.
- Review past and present assignments. Check Trello cards assigned and verify completion percentage.
- Request for feedback from immediate Role Manager and add into the comment.
- Schedule a review meeting. See questions to be asked in comment section.
- Provide feedback and leave comment on this card.
- Pass
- Zap: Action z133 (See comment below)
- Set expectations on the changes that will take place. (i.e. increase in salary, added responsibilities, etc.)
- Check the box to move this card to Active.Done list
Probation period passed.
suggested action: z133 (workflow below)
- (send probation_period_passed) (include: %gt{cardid})
- @support.article: →
suggested workflow:
1. copy and paste the text below into card description.
2. replace NULL values.
– global_id already exists in description? (else, look up global_id within @crm)
3. tap zap (card sidebar) to execute action: z133.
4. @mm sends email
%global_id: NULL
- Zap: Action z135 (See comment below)
- Set an extension review date. Update the due date on this card
Probation period extended.
suggested action: z135 (workflow below)
- (send probation_period_extended) (include: %gt{cardid})
- @support.article: →
suggested workflow:
1. copy and paste the text below into card description.
2. replace NULL values.
– global_id already exists in description? (else, look up global_id within @crm)
3. tap zap (card sidebar) to execute action: z135.
4. @mm sends email
%global_id: NULL
Fail (Termination)
- Send an invite to discuss about probationary performance.
- Hold a meeting to discuss concerns regarding performance. Explain the result to the employee and the reason for that decision.
- Zap: Action z134 (See comment below)
- Check the box to move this card to Exit.Stage list
Probation period failed.
suggested action: z134 (workflow below)
- (send probation_period_failed) (include: %gt{cardid})
- @support.article: →
suggested workflow:
1. copy and paste the text below into card description.
2. replace NULL values.
– global_id already exists in description? (else, look up global_id within @crm)
3. tap zap (card sidebar) to execute action: z134.
4. @mm sends email
%global_id: NULL
This is the list where the active employees card sit in the People Pipeline board.