The intent of this article is to provide details about the Third Party Shipment Detail Report for customers and merchants.
- Log in as customer.
- Continue with Customer directions below.
- Tap Reports on the left sidebar

- Scroll the Third-party shipment detail report under Template
- The report is sent to the email address of the auditor or wait for the report to download after single tap on download

- Invoice
- Invoice date
- Invoice amount
- Tracking number
- Service
- Bill option
- Zone
- Account
- Ship date
- Estimate delivery date
- Delivery date
- Delivery time
- Commercial/Residential destination
- Currency
- Net charge
- Number of packages
- Multi-piece/Hundredweight shipment identifier
- Length/Width/Height
- Tender weight
- Unit of measurement for weight
- Billed weight
- Unit of measurement for billed weight
- Sender name/company/street/city/state/zip/country
- Receiver name/company/street/city/city/state/zip/country
- Charge description