How to check the status of a Share A Refund Service

The intent of this article is to guide auditors, customers, merchants and partner governmental agencies a method to review, check and get updates on a recent issue experienced with any service built into Share A Refund, such as Lost and Damage Claims Management or Audit and Recovery.

Share A Refund Service Status Dashboard

Directions on how to view status by service

To view any recent outages or issues, tap on the link below to review, and review any recent activity posted on the dashboard. Additional details by incident and by service are provided in detail.

Directions on how to subscribe to get updates

Any additional updates can be sent to an email address specified. Please note that these updates may be delayed. To subscribe for updates on any past, recent issues, proceed through the following:

  1. Go to status:
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and tap the Subscribe button.
  3. Enter your email address.
  4. Tap Subscribe.

Any updates are sent to the email address specified.

Directions on how to view recent issues by service

The following provides guidance on the status of any service that is recently affected by an issue or outage and how to view those within the Share A Refund Status Dashboard.

  1. Go to status:
  2. Tap on a given service to view incidents by service.
  3. See recent incidents or reports of updates on any issues reported.

Additional resources

Reach out to customer service for help with configuration of subscription to issues by service.

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