Just getting started?
Find instructions specific to obtaining authentication credentials to the Share A Refund API within the developer section of this help center.
Postman is an app available to developers as a tool to share, test, document & monitor APIs. Get Postman .
Making the connection
Get started with using Postman to send and receive through the Share A Refund API with the following steps:
1. Launch Postman
Both the native application and the browser extension have been tested and work for the example below.
2. Specify the endpoint
Direct customer user typehttps://api.sharearefund.com/beta/customer/shipment-price
Reseller customer user typehttps://api.sharearefund.com/beta/reseller/shipment-price
Note: Explore methods within the API Docs .
3. Input the required headers
A minimum of two Headers are required to make a request of any type.
Header: Content Type
Key: Content-Type
Value: application/json
Header: x-api-key
Key: x-api-key
Your API Key
API keys are unique and available upon request. More information on obtaining an API Key is available within the Developer area of the Share A Refund help center.

The figure above showcases the location within Postman to enter the required Header values defined in this section.
4. Add body for an example request
For post request types, required parameters are made in json format.
"tracking_number": "775635651223"

The figure above. showcase the raw body input and associated parameters required.
Tracking number for testing
Access to shipping accounts and related tracking numbers are specific to your account and the privileges defined by user type. Ensure that you’re using a valid tracking number that’s available within your Share A Refund account.
5. Send request
Tap the send button to submit the post request provided in this example.
6. Read the response

The figure above showcases an example reponse for the shipping price method.
Exception handling
Invalid access key
Ensure that the access key matches the values defined for your account, and that the requested endpoint is indeed valid.
403 forbidden
Ensure the URL used in making the request, is valid for the your user type.
Missing parameter required
Ensure that formatting of the body input is valid json and matches the parameters defined for the method requested.